It's time to start your adventures and become a certified gyroplane pilot


Training for gyroplane pilot certificates is in accordance with the FAA Practical Test Standards, as these are the criteria for the final flight check-ride or proficiency check. The following rates are provided for your convenience and we encourage you to contact us with any questions relating to your particular requirements.

Discovery Flight / Trial Instructional Flight:  $200 and includes up to a 45 minute flight where you are able to take control of the gyroplane and experience what all it has to offer.

Gyroplane Ground School is $50 per hour

Gyroplane Flight Instruction is $250 per hour and includes:

  • Certified Gyroplane Flight Instructor (CFI)
  • Company Gyroplane
  • Fuel

Training in a student’s gyroplane is $150 per hour and includes:

  • Certified Gyroplane Flight Instructor (CFI)
  • Flight Testing The Student’s Gyroplane For Safe Flight

Proficiency Checks are $500 and includes:

  • Certified Gyroplane Flight Instructor (CFI)
  • Company Gyroplane
  • Fuel
  • Processing of FAA Form 8710-11

Below is a general list of services provided by HASE Aviation. We encourage you to contact us directly by phone or email to discuss your specific goals and requirements. You will also find helpful information on requirements and regulations relating to gyroplanes in other sections on this site.

Solo Sign-off
Written Test Sign-Off
Initial Training
Proficiency Training
Transition from fixed wing/helicopter to gyro
Sport Pilot Training
Recreational Pilot Training
Private Pilot Training
Commercial Pilot Training
Sport Pilot Flight Instructor Training
Commercial Flight Instructor Training
Flight Review
Proficiency Checks
Flight Training in Customer's Gyroplane
Cross Country Training
Night Training